Letter to our leaders: The Trump admin and its co-conspirators are in open REBELLION against the United States of America.
Some have asked for info in letter format so that others can send this information to their representatives and senators. This is the most concise letter covering everything I could come up with.
I’d love to know if you end up using any of the information you find here!
I am writing to inform you of your duty to enforce Article 14 Section 3 to stop the current and open REBELLION against the United States of America by means of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON.
The Constitutional expectations, SCOTUS rulings, Oaths of Office, and US Codes covered in this letter provide implicit direction on how to proceed. These directions are not optional. Failing to hold individuals violating SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON does not negate the violations, the need for removal, and sentencing; further failure to uphold the constitutional expectations results in MISPRISION OF TREASON, SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY and TREASON.
This letter covers the following,
Charge of REBELLION against Donald Trump and his Co-Conspirators.
Charges of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY against ALL sitting members of the 119th
Congress who have, by action or inaction, failed to uphold their Oath of Office.
Warning of MISPRISION OF TREASON & Treason Dominos.
Rebuttals to expected misunderstandings and bad faith arguments.
Definitions and Sources
The Trump Administration and their co-conspirators were (1) ASSEMBLED to commit (3) OVERT ACTS with (4) TRAITOROUS PURPOSE and their removal is constitutionally required.
Let the following be established as precedent: SCOTUS decisions outlining necessary elements for charges of Rebellion/Insurrection (1) Ex parte Bollman and Swartwout Burr v US 1807 (2) CHARGE TO GRAND JURY of the District Court, N. D. Illinois 1894 (3) United States v Cramer 1945, (4) United States v Haupt 1947, (5) Anderson v Griswold 2023.
1. Burr v US 1807 established the requirement of AN ASSEMBLEDGE OF MEN.
It is well documented that Donald Trump has an ASSEMBLAGE OF MEN from his administration to the Heritage Foundation and his allies in the GOP.
2. NO BLOODSHED REQUIRED In re CHARGE TO GRAND JURY. (District Court, N. D. Illinois. July 10, 1894.)
“The open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of the laws of the United States, of so formidable a nature as to defy for the time being the authority of the government, constitutes an insurrection, even though not accompanied by bloodshed, and not of sufficient magnitude to render success probable.”
3. US v Cramer 1945 established the requirement of OVERT ACTS
It is well documented that Donald Trump has used OVERT ACTS including unconstitutional executive orders to nullify congressionally enacted departments, which may only be dissolved by an act of congress.
Usurping the power of the purse from the House of Representatives and defying court orders to reinstate the allocated funds.
4. US v Haupt 1947 established the requirement of TRAITOROUS PURPOSE and that such acts ‘against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof’.
Repetitive attempts at unconstitutional declarations, including those listed above along with ending 1st amendment rights on College Campuses, counter to all understood definitions of the amendment meets the requirements both expressed in Haupt and in Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2383 Rebellion or insurrection, whether successful or not.
5. Anderson v Griswold reestablished there is NO REQUIREMENT FOR SHOTS FIRED or blood drawn.
All evidence of these crimes is general public knowledge, albeit the narrative of the actions differs; such difference is inconsequential as Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2383 Rebellion or Insurrection speaks only of the actions and results of such actions – in short believing one has the right to subvert the United States Constitution is not a valid defense for conspiracy or attempting such actions.
Article 14 Section 3 requires the immediate arrest and removal of the Trump Administration and its network of co-conspirators for their SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON.
Donald Trump and his ASSEMBLAGE OF MEN committed SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, followed by ACTS OF SEDITION, and are presently leveeing Hybrid Warfare against the United States as outlined in the Quadrennial Defense Review of 2010 pg. 8-15. This ASSEMBLAGE OF MEN with TREASONOUS PURPOSE, through use of OVERT ACTIONS, are successfully destroying aspects of the Federal Government. These actions meet all necessary pre-requisites of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON.
Let the following be established as precedent SCOTUS PRECEDENT for Rebellion/Treason/Sedition are outlined in (1) Ex parte Bollman and Swartwout Burr v US 1807 (2) CHARGE TO GRAND JURY of the District Court, N. D. Illinois 1894 (3) United States v Cramer 1945, (4) United States v Haupt 1947, (5) Anderson v Griswold 2023.
Donald Trump and his co-conspirators CONSPIRED to use the threat of federal authority, private security, employment termination, and OVERT unconstitutional executive overreach to nullify congressionally enacted departments, which may only be dissolved by an act of congress, and this assemblage of men also conspired to unconstitutionally usurp the power of the purse from the House of Representatives.
Their conspiracy is well documented throughout social media posts, news interviews, speeches, and even in writing by co-conspirators within the administration’s manifesto titled Project 2025. The inability to keep this traitorous conspiracy secret does not nullify the act of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY. Which is in direct violation of Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section §2384. SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY.
Any actions taken to commit SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY constitute ACTS OF SEDITION against the United States of America. SEDITIOUS ACTS taken by the Trump conspiracy include threats of Federal Force, Private Security, and Employment Termination against those who would stand against unconstitutional actions.
Those actions include unconstitutional executive orders and declarations limiting 1st Amendment Rights, nullifying congressionally enacted federal departments, and blocking allocated funds usurping Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution,
“Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United State;”.
These actions meet all necessary pre-requisites of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON. Article 14 Section 3 must be enforced.
Charges: REBELLION, SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY by ABDICATION of DUTY and failure to uphold Oath of Office
Donald Trump has usurped the Power of the Purse. Article 1 Section 7 and 8 of the United States Constitution outlines the expectations of Congress, specifically the allocation and spending of the budget. Through inaction, the House, under Johnson’s leadership and threat of his gavel, has allowed Donald Trump to unconstitutionally stop allocated funds from reaching their budgeted destinations. Such inaction is a failure to uphold their Oath of Office, authority, and duties vested in members of the House.
Oath Senate and House of Representatives … “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” … “I will well and faithfully discharge the duties” …
Through organized inaction, the ASSEMBLAGE OF MEN in the GOP House of Congress has and is committing REBELLION and SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY through organized OVERT ACTION of refusal to fulfill their duty in order “to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United State”. A duty which would hold the President accountable, uphold their Oath of Office, and take back the Power of the Purse.
All GOP House Members refusing to act against these unconstitutional action AND voting in lockstep with Speaker Johnson are Co-Conspirators.
Let it be warned that the administration and immediate co-conspirators are expected to trigger a TREASON DOMINO event.
TREASON DOMINOS occurs when someone owing allegiance to the United States and
“having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same”.
Such actions trigger §2382 MISPRISION OF TREASON. Silence, coverup, threat of force, failure to remove from office, or any act other than immediate disclosure of the treason IS in violation of §2382 MISPRISION OF TREASON.
As there are now TWO individuals, one of which has unconstitutional control of the federal government, they are in violation of §2384 SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY for attempting
“by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States”.
The most likely order is MISPRISION OF TREASON leading to SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY followed by SEDITIOUS ACTS to aid a TRAITOR resulting in TREASON.
Those informed of TREASON must follow the expectations in §2382 MISPRISION OF TREASON and uphold their Oaths of Office.
Judges must “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”
Commissioned Officers “will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”
Senate and House of Representatives “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” “I will well and faithfully discharge the duties”.
All “I will well and faithfully discharge the duties”
Those that adhere to the expectations of §2382 MISPRISION OF TREASON but fail to fulfill their oath to defend the Constitution from SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON have knowingly abandoned their duty and have provided aid and comfort through means of inaction and as Chief Justice Marshal noted in 1807 US v Burr;
"if a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy, are to be considered as traitors. But there must be an actual assembling of men for the treasonable purpose, to constitute a levying of war."
1) The loudest bad faith assertion will be that previous Presidents have pardoned those convicted of Treason without repercussion.
This is the most impactful argument while at the same time being easily dismissed. It’s the political equivalent of “George got away with it! Why can’t Trump?!” is beneath retort. History of unconstitutional acts does not set a precedent for future unconstitutional acts. However, those ramifications are a concern for historians. We must face the present-day Treasonous actions.
As Supreme Court Justice Marshal said, “In the provisions of the constitution, and of the statute. which give to the accused a right to the compulsory process of the court, there is no exception whatever.”
2) As to the bad faith arguments surrounding application of Presidential Immunity or asserting the President cannot commit Treason.
Presidential Immunity does not apply. Treason is expressly written to encompass “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States”.
Chief Justice Marshal stated that “In the provisions of the constitution, and of the statute. which give to the accused a right to the compulsory process of the court, there is no exception whatever. The obligation, therefore, of those provisions is general; and it would seem that no person could claim an exemption from them, but one who would not be a witness; At any rate, if an exception to the general principle exist, it must be looked for in the law of evidence.”
REBELLION, SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, ACTS OF SEDITION, and TREASON are not official duties or acts of the Office of the President. Even if the vehicle for the Treasonous actions falls within the Executive Officer’s oversight, such actions were never designed to commit SEDITION, REBELLION, OR TREASON. Therefore, these actions are not an official act of the president and not protected by Presidential Immunity.
3) Treason requires an investigation and trial before removal.
It does not, there WILL need to be a trial for sentencing at which point such debate can occur, but all that is needed for removal is witnessing the Treasonous Act. Guilt is determined upon the testimony of two individuals that have witnessed OVERT ACTS of TREASON. In fact, the words "every person so convicted of treason" were omitted as redundant in 1940.
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section §2382 MISPRISON of TREASON states “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose”. The requirements within §2382 prove that determining an ACT is TREASONOUS does not require an investigation otherwise reporting it as such would not be possible. This is further supported by §2381 which states that the TREASONOUS ACT determines guilt.
Analogy: If two individuals saw a Colonel in charge of nuclear missiles committing TREASONOUS ACTS, should they request an investigation and follow that Colonel’s order until the investigation is complete? Constitutionally, by Oath, and through common sense the answer is no. You remove the Colonel.
4) As for the bad faith assertion that the Supreme Court must weigh in.
They do not. Full stop. As shown above, there is no more wiggle room for the Supreme Court to act aside from fulfilling their Oath and Judicial duties. Supreme Court Justice Marshal,
“In the provisions of the constitution, and of the statute. which give to the accused a right to the compulsory process of the court, there is no exception whatever.”
Considering the Supreme Court has thoroughly defined REBELLION, SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, SEDITION, and TREASON any attempt to operate outside these definitions, codes, articles, and laws or any attempt to carve out TREASONOUS ACTS as a Presidential authority would lead to TREASON DOMINOS beginning with §2384 SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY.
As for who will and can enforce the removal of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators.
a. The Vice President is art of the Conspiracy, otherwise the 25th Amendment could be used. As Vance is part of the conspiracy he is no longer eligible for office and has no authority use those powers.
b. Congress is compromised, otherwise it would have already removed Donald Trump.
c. The Secret Service can do their job and protect the Office of the President by removing Donald Trump.
d. All Federal Agents owing allegiance to the Constitution and the Office of the President can remove him.
e. It would be bad optics; but any Commissioned Officer of the US Military may remove him.
f. Though extremely dangerous, Governors could call upon National Guard to defend the state from an occupied federal government.
g. Though even more dangerous, NATO could label the USA as an ally under enemy occupation and attempt to enforce Article 5.
h. Technically any US citizen may perform a Citizen’s Arrest which is
“an arrest made by a private individual who has witnessed or has reasonable belief that the detained person has committed a crime.”
but that citizen must hand over the detained individual to Federal Authorities and may not impede Donald Trump’s rights beyond simple detainment until the arrival of authorities. This is not a suggestion, merely a statement of another means of removal.
Last word
A final reminder, nothing in this letter calls for anything other than the Constitutional application of the law. If we wish to remain a Constitutional Republic, or possibly regain what we have already lost, we the Given that the Executive branch is in open REBELLION against the Constitution, the House is refusing to follow its Oath, and the opposition party seems either incapable of opposing or in collusion with the rebels, it must be reenforced that We The People have been provided the authority to remove tyranny in our pursuit of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
People must take it upon ourselves to fulfill our civic responsibility to educate, embody, and ensure the enforcement of the United States Constitution.
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2382 MISPRISION OF TREASON is now in effect
Co-Conspirators: The entire administration, transition team leadership, Elon Musk, Heritage Foundation board members, GOP Representatives, Senators, and party leaders, allied communications CEOs, Russia miliary intelligence officers, and any other individuals proven to be aware of Donald Trump’s not-so-secret plan and still supported the effort vocally, physically, or fiscally.
Hybrid Warfare: “surrogates including terrorist and criminal networks, manipulate the information environment in increasingly sophisticated ways, impede access to energy resources and markets, and exploit perceived economic and diplomatic leverage in order to complicate our calculus. Because such approaches may be difficult to detect or predict,”
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section §2381. TREASON “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section §2382. Misprision of treason. “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.”
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2383 Rebellion or insurrection states “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section §2384. SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY states “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”
Scotus Sources:
(1) Ex parte Bollman and Swartwout Burr v US 1807
(2) CHARGE TO GRAND JURY of the District Court, N. D. Illinois 1894
(3) United States v Cramer 1945
(4) United States v Haupt 1947
(5) Anderson v Griswold 2023
United States Constitution
Article 1 Section 7
Article 1 Section 8
Article 3 section 3
Article 14 Section 3
United States Codes
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2381
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2382
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2383
Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2384
Oath’s of Office
Judge’s oath
Commissioned Officer’s Oath
Congressperson’s Oath
Quadrennial Defense Review 2010 Page 8 - 15
Thank you for this!
Dear Erik, can you forward this article to Representative Jamie Raskin? I am horribly electronically challenged or I would do so. Exemplary genius. Thank you!!!